Thursday, August 27, 2009

GOl shoot 9 - Archie and Malcolm

Last week I climbed aboard the train to Lymington in Hampshire to meet seven year old Archie, his Mum Tammy, Dad Malcolm and little sister Evie.

Archie was born with posterior urethral valves, a condition that can cause urine to be pushed back into the bladder and renal failure. When Archie was only eight months old Tammy and Malcolm were told that he would eventually need a kidney transplant. Shortly afterwards Archie was put on peritoneal dialysis whilst Malcolm and Tammy both got tested to see if they could be a donor for him. It was decided that Malcolm was a better match and the operation went ahead in 2003 when Archie was only two years old.

Archie and Malcolm

Almost 6 years later you would never have guessed that Archie had gone through so much – he is one of the most confident, polite and chatty seven year olds I have ever met. Full of energy he and Malcolm happily kicked a football around the garden whilst I snapped away enjoying watching the two of them have fun together. Archie's lovely little sister Evie skipped around the garden whilst they played so I took some photos of her too.



Intrigued that I had had a kidney transplant like him Archie quizzed me about it asking if I had a new kidney inside me too. He is clearly very proud of the fact that his Dad gave him his kidney and it was obvious from the cheeky banter that went on between them that they are very close indeed.

Archie and Malcolm

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